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Parent/Guardian Access to Library Collections

Books on a shelf at the MTA Library

Madison school library catalogs are available online. Parents and guardians may view school library collections by visiting the library catalogs page located in the Parent Resources section of the Madison website. After choosing a school from the list, you will be able to search the library's collection. If you'd prefer to browse the collection, click on Destiny Discover (found in the left sidebar). 

Madison schools with full-time library media specialists will post lists of new library books for parents and guardians to view. Parents will be notified of the public review period of newly purchased library books and materials within seven school-days prior to the opening of the 60-day period (IJL-E). The lists for each school are provided below and will be posted for 60 days.

Madison School District Library Recent Books/Materials Purchases Lists (updated 10/04/2024):

Parents/guardians of currently enrolled Madison students who wish to access copies or check out district library books or materials need to complete and submit the parental request form (IJNC-E) to the school librarian or library clerk.

Parents/guardians of Madison students may access their child's library book circulation history by logging into the school library catalog page with the student's district credentials.

  • Click on Login (top right of page).
  • Input student district username and ID#.
  • Go to My Info (top tab bar) and View History (button at top right of Items Out page).

Parents/guardians who have questions regarding a book in the library collection may speak to their school's library associate or Principal.

Madison School District Library Book Selection Process

Madison school library new book selection is guided by Board Policy IJL, which requires library associates to consider materials that:

  • Enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of the students served.
  • Stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
  • Provide a background of information that will enable students to make intelligent judgements in their daily lives.
  • Provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage.
  • Assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the library.
  • Provide a current, balanced collection of books, basic reference materials, text, periodicals, and audiovisual materials that depict in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.