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2024-2025 Student & Parent Handbook

Discipline Matrix

This handbook serves as the due process notice for behavior standards in the Madison Elementary School District. The infractions and violations listed are aligned with Arizona Safe Schools, the Arizona State Reporting System, and Madison Elementary School District policies. Under state law, school officials must follow additional protocol prior to issuing an out of school suspension of more than two days or expulsion for students up to age seven in grades K-4. Reasonable attempts are made to notify parents of all disciplinary referrals. Parent notification will take place for infractions receiving administrative consequences.

Administration may exercise discretion when determining interventions and/or responses depending on severity of the infraction. If the infraction occurs on the bus, a suspension or termination of bus-riding privileges may be assigned in lieu of or in addition to the consequences outlined in the matrix for that infraction.

The principal is the highest level of appeal for a suspension of 10 days or less.

In response to a student discipline referral, students and families can expect the following actions:

  1.  A reasonable effort to contact the parent/guardian either verbally or in writing to discuss the behavior incident and anticipated next steps. (e.g. gather additional information, assign intervention(s) and/or response(s)).
  2. Appropriate and timely intervention(s) and/or response(s) assigned with the goal to change the behavior and address the impact. Intervention(s) and response(s) are assigned based upon the outcome of the investigation
  3. In the event that the behavioral incident(s) is deemed high impact (severe, multiple) to the school community, a more serious response may be assigned.
  4. A notification to the Parent/Guardian of any additional information and intervention(s) and or response(s) assigned.