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Required Annual Student Check-In Update

2024-2025 Required Annual Student Check-In Update Information

All families must review and complete the Required Annual Student Check-In Update.

  1. Login to your Parent PowerSchool Account.
    If you do not have a Parent PowerSchool Account or are having problems login into your account, please contact you child's school office for assistance.
  2. On the left hand menu select “Forms”
  3. Select  “Page 1: Annual Permissions & Acknowledgments 24-25”
  4. Complete Agreements & Releases
    • Student/Parent Handbook
    • Athletic Student & Parent Agreement
    • Technology User Agreement
    • District Photo & Media Release
    • Yearbook Publication Permission
    • District Approved Third Party Photos and Media taken at District Events
    • Directory Information Release
    • Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA)
    • Sign, date and submit
  5. You will be routed to “Page 2: Annual Student Contact Update 24-25”
    • Review student information 
    • Verify address on file (If address is different, please upload a current proof of residency (water, electricity, gas or rent/lease agreement that bears the parent/legal guardians name)
    • Update Custody/Guardianship Documents if needed (upload current documents)
    • Review and update contacts 
    • NOTE: Students will be released only to those who are marked as “student pick up” on student contacts list.
    • Sign, date and submit
  6. You will be routed to “Page 3: Annual Student Health Update 24-25
    • Please make sure to list any health concerns including allergies or sensitivities
    • List medications taken for specified health concerns
    • Select over the counter medications that can be given at school
    • Sign, date and submit
  7. You will be routed to the “Page 4: Annual Student Food Services, Student Activity Fee and Transportation”
    • All Families Complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Madison School District receives additional funding based on the percentage of applications completed. Please complete the application.
    • Prepay for meals
    • Pay $50 student activity fee. The student activity fee helps pay for extracurricular activities such as field trips, assemblies, author visits, character education programs and recess programs.
    • Review Transportation Information. New transportation procedures. Download the Traversa My Ride K-12 App.
    • Sign, date and submit