Eligibility Information
Native American student lists are compiled based on the completion of the JOM (form 305) and the Ed 506 form. Federal Ethnicity & Race forms also designate when students are registered for school.
Federally Recognized member of a tribe, band or other organized group of Indians including those terminated since 1940.
Child or grandchild of any such member mentioned above
An Inuit, Aleut or other Alaskan Native.
Who Qualifies for Johnson O’Malley?
Reference, Part 273 of Title 25, Code of Federal Regulations.
§273.112 An Indian student is eligible for benefits provided by a Johnson O'Malley contract if the student is:
From age three (3) years through grade(s) twelve (12);
Not enrolled in a Bureau-funded school or sectarian school (except the student is eligible if enrolled in a previously private school controlled by an Indian Tribe or Tribal organization); and
Is either:
At least one-fourth (1⁄4) degree Indian blood descendant of a member of an Indian Tribe as defined in §273.106*;
A member of an Indian Tribe as defined in §273.106*.
* Indian Tribe means any Indian Tribe, band, nation, rancheria, pueblo, colony or community, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688) which is federally recognized as eligible by the U.S. Government through the Secretary for the special programs and services provided by the Secretary to Indians because of their status as Indians.
For more information visit the Arizona Department of Education website.
Three forms need to be submitted to qualify:
JOM Form Indian Student Enrollment: Certification of Eligibility Form 305
ED 506 Form: Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program
Enrollment Form for Madison School District: Family Enrollment Form